My good friend Jamie and her beau organized yet another amazing cabin trip like the Tulip Tree cabin or Myron Glaser. This time we went to much ballyhooed Mutton Top Cabin which was very near Morris Cabin. Needless to say despite shoving 9 people and 7 "dogs" into the cabin, it was a phenomenal and novel way to spend New Years eve. Avoid large crowds, avoid drunk drivers, and still be with some (sadly not all) of your great friends.
The days were spent chopping wood, chillin by

A few rebellious cabin-goers defied the no dress up pact (darn that was smart of them) and thus Jon & Alexandra promptly got declared King & Queen of the ball (oddly King didnt get to be King). Its hard to just put a narrative to the weekend, but here are a few cherished memories:
An AMAZING Sunset over the cabin & Valley
Wacthing the cold front moving over us, a thick line of clouds passing over and revealing brilliant stars overhead.
Waking up in the morning looking into the valley with just the hill tops visible as a blanket of low clouds/fog cover everything else - breathtaking!

Who would ever think you could have Pho at a rustic cabin! Thanks to Linny, we did, and made my stomach very happy.
Regretting a cool waterfall hike, yet I wouldnt have had my Tree experience if I had gone.
Hanging around the bonfire with Glog, Icewine & shooting off cheesy bottle rockets!
Stars Stars Stars!
Playing Bag of Nouns on Team Short Bus (since we were apparently soooo horrible we could be compared to ... well....). Bag O nouns is played by each player on a team writing 5 nouns on 5 slips of paper. Then in alternating order each team needs to guess as many words drawn from a bag/hat etc, which need to be guessed by the teams in 3 consecutives rounds via Taboo like fashion first, then bu using only one word, and the
Va-jay-jay, female pee funnel, Darren Biggs, Rickets, Buffalo Nickel, 3 different states, Jalopy, F-1 Racing, Quattro (think "Menage a Trois" +1, but in Latin), Grape Ape, and various other sundry & mundane words, of which I should seriously challenge!
Seriously this was a good way to cap off the Good Times in 07, and a Bang up way to ring in the New year (more on that later!)
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