Too Much Light Makes the Baby Go Blind (TML for short)
is an amazing set of ever rotating plays put together by a group from Chicago called the NeoFuturists. Based on my friend Stefanie's recommendation I went to see this after missing catching it during last summers Capital Fringe Festival ( I think i ended up seeing A Romeo & Juliette - suicide prevention play) . This is a neat perspective to convene VERY short plays into one hour - specifically 3- plays, one hour. For each performance the audience chooses the order and the Neo-Futurists create a non-illusory collage of the comic, tragic, political, personal and experimental all while embracing chance, change and possibly a little chaos.

Now as some have already made some notes on this (near bottom), I wont be overly repetitive. Other than a few of my favorites listed:
Moonlit Theatre Presents: Apollo 11 Lunar landing - Definitely "Moon" lit.... just imagine where the flag on the moon is planted...
The simple and eventually cancelled - United Airlines Flightplay 15
Night of the Wild Tortilla Throwers - where else can you throw tortillas anonymously BACK at the stage?
Ryan Walters: Bad Ass Bike Messenger - yeah I'm AM Inspired to be one... I think....
Baggage (the mini series) - Damn with the Writers Strike ! this is better than TV - when your baggage stars as the main character.
The enigmatic THE CHAIR play... What do you see it? What is it? NO it's not....
And because they don't deserve to go into obscurity - as what I see will probably be Nothing like what I would see in three months from now (due to them constantly removing old plays and adding new ones), honorable mentions are:
Veterans Day: July 4th Edition - a poignant yet (politically) neutral comment on a soldiers homecoming from Iraq.
Low Stakes/High Drama - all I could think of was of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly as I saw this one a mile away - still couldnt help myself from laughing uncontrollably.
Fame - How do you make a social commentary on Columbine or Virginia Tech... Well Done Neo-Futurists, Well Done
Night of the Flying Tortillas - They figured on an interactive play, they didnt think the Audience would interact back. Yes watch for a horror movie with a similar titlle ... maybe Attack of the Giant Tortillas!
And the Self explanatory: Pastie on My Dick (alas poor Ryan Walters who had to preform this, and kudos for the imaginative use of the OTHER Dick !)
And the Self explanatory: Pastie on My Dick (alas poor Ryan Walters who had to preform this, and kudos for the imaginative use of the OTHER Dick !)
Epilogue: Apparently in the flyer that you get with the title of the plays (and numbers you must call out to have them performed) There are "neo-futurist facts for the day"
I always thought Virginia had the most personalized License plates - nope its Illinois
The National Mall is 1.4 times larger than Vatican City
There are an average of 165 cans of beer in a keg
Topless Saleswomen are legal in Liverpool England - but only in Tropical Fish Stores
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