So how many people actually know WHEN the 12 days of christmas are ? NO not before the "big day" but actually after. And of course there is always that song "th 12 days of Christmas" blah blah......
Well this year I actually decided for some strange odd reason, that I would keep track of what I "got" during those 12 days. Though by this point the initial bits are fuzzy in my mind - Here it goes:
Day One: One Great Xmas Day brunch thanks to Stefanie & her amazing Mom!
Day Two: Found out Sally had a blown head gasket, apparently a common problem with Subaru's from 1998-2002
Day Three: A Happy Hour with 3 Margaritas! (you're kidding me on the day AFTER Christmas? - well why not - it makes the work day seem easier)
Day Four: I found the approximate repair bill for Sally would be a 4 figure number ($2,000 !!!) . On the lucky side I found a Pro shop a few days later who can slash 40% off that price - the catch is He cant do it until early February)
Day Five: Off To Mutton Top!
Day Six: At least 6 of us went chopping wood! (See the theme) plus it released alot of stress doing it.
Day Seven: Seven Bottle Rockets! (Goodbye to 2007!)
Day Eight: Head wound free since January 2nd 2008!
What you may say? well some may recall an particualr biking accident circa Nov 2006. Well I went all of 2007 without hitting my head REALLY hard on anything - but 2 hours into 2008 - Lo and Behold - I get into an argument with a door latch and I loose - big time. Luckily I have freinds who know how to bandage me up, even if it is a little overenthusiastic!
Day Nine: Fuzziness sets in, a boring nine hour workday....
Day Eleven: Saw 11 Shooting Stars (I stopped counting after that)
Day Twelve: A Twelfth Night celebration 
This was the capstone of the 12 days - A good dinner where I tried to recreate my Paella recipe from late September. And though it was different - it was nevertheless tasty! Even better that it was shared with good friends (right).
It was all to celebrate - even if it wasnt per the standard method- Three Kings day, also known as The Epiphany. For my family this was the official end of the holidays. The tree came down the weekend after this, there would sometimes be a parade on this day also. But the family wold get together and we would have a good meal together - though it was often times at a restaurant. I remember my grandparents ordering Paella on this occasion more than a few times. SO thus was my impetus to have a dinner with my family of friends. And its perfect timing. Since the holidays are soooo full - one can never throw a holiday party anymore - so throw a small afffair for some afterwards - BRILLIANT!
In the immortal Hannibal Smith's word : "I love it when a plan comes together"
So three Huzzahs! for my wonderfull 2nd family who came out for a great evening (which is what counts)
So on that note I this time leave myself a few thing to remember for the next time I cook Paella
1. It always takes longer than I remember to cook - 45 - 60 min to cut & prep, alot the same amount of time for cooking
2. The Sofrito is the key to the color, dont scimp on the tomatoes, they need juicy pulp (out of season tomatoes dont work as well)
3. As I needed to be reminded - the Mussels are good if they close (if they stay open before they are cooked its bad, if they dont open when cooked they are bad)
4. Clams are not as vital, Scallops do a better substitute
5. Hoard up on Spanish Chorizo - its harder to find than I thought - and the dish misses something when not used
6. Big burner is better than 2 small burners of a regular stove - and a bigger P.I.T.A
7. Seafood is cheap at the DC Waterfront! Take advantage of it - especially cheap Mussels!
8. It always helps to have an amazing sous chef! (how could I forget that point!)
Thats all for now, i'll add if I remember more.
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