Saturday, October 20, 2007

The Massing of the Sheeples... or not.

New Term for the following year: Sheeples.

Origin: mash up of Sheep and people

Definition: The masses of people who just follow because they are too engrossed in thier own lives and have no time to care (about our liberties, our country, etc.)

Ok so were all tired of listening about the presidential canidates, and we all have our favorites .... or not at all.

My Opinion - The system is broke - we have to major power brokers putting up 2 sets of opinions and nothing else. The sheep see two paths, and fail to see the other option - blazing a new path. I mean even when herding sheep there are certain some that decide to go astray.

So the powers that control the two ideologies - much like the sheperds or cowboys, go off and round up these unique thinkers and pen them up, thus ensuring we dont develop new ideas. And this happens in both parties.

I'm sick of it - sick of it all. Really I do believe the Brits are on to something - elections are called and you have 60 days to campaign... simple. We need to stop sending our canidates out looking for money - or just have every canidate run for Both parties primaries, like ... Stephen Colbert!

Yes as many of you know he announced his (mock) Canidacy. Thats awesome - now if he were really electable that would be even better! but how brilliant is the idea of no parties and just general primaries. Even better is the idea of no fundraising, canidates all get the same amount of money. Running a campaign is no longer a business (as it is now), everyone has an even platform to present thier views. Yeah it will never work out...
But who knows. As Ray says - we need to reform the Whig Party. So far there are 2 of us, who else is in??

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