Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Inuagural Grillfest!

So last Saturday was this years official start of the "Grill season" with Jon & Darren's first shindig.

What can be said that it was also the first croquet game of the season. As usual we paired off but missing a few familiar faces: Lee who has now missed a full year, Pete - who is on his honeymoon, Chris is still in the Gambia, Bill just showed up too late to play. So I picked Mark as my partner again. Lets just say Mark & I have good synergy at this game. We dont argue each others strategies... the game goes faster, we win... very simple. That strategy has worked the last 3 out of 4 times. Winners will be winners.

We did figure out WHY the games last so long - Darren sets up the field! Mark & I did it this time and we completed the game in RECORD time... The only bad part was that I felt jipped - we could have played TWO games that day!

The BBQ was great I got to see the peeps I hadn't seen in a while. As usual our host ensured hight quality stuff by enforcing a new rule: No Store bought Potato Salad in those HUGE tubs. Somehow one tub still managed to sneak past quality control and sat unopened the whole night. I do believe that somewhere someone did devise a marketing plan for all those people who go to BBQ's that are either cheap, or too damm pressed for time to think of what they are buying (most often its both). A POX on them I say...

Well the pic above is Carmel showing off her legs (not on purpose I believe) and grabbing her charcoaled chicken sausages from the grill... I will admit one of the heartiest laughs I had all day was Jeff trying to be his ol' slick self, tossed a huge bag of TP across the street and it totally fell apart! It was the funniest thing - unfortunately I only caught the remnants of Jon rushing to help pick up the much needed TP rolls before oncoming traffic. I like the shot as there seems to be this one roll of floating TP by the tree, which Jeff threw and was getting off the street to avoid getting run over. Precious!

The night was wrapped up with a beautiful light show from mother nature, and a U-tube festival, which was to be done outside - but instead we ended up cramming everyone inside. Still everyone suggested fun clips, that were mostly entertaining... Alas my clip was rejected for being too long :(

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